Friday, 16 March 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 113)

Time for an Anna Maria update as she has been away at College for a month now.  A-M is enjoying her studies immensely and loving the social life, within days of arriving in the 'big smoke' she found part-time employment as a medical receptionist.   Our girl is happy and thriving:)
I had written a longer post about how we all feel, missing our girl but PC declared it soppy and sappy so I decided not to subject you all;)

If you are interested in Grain and Sugar Free living and how it works in a large family, you really ought to head over to Gae's. She's sharing the nuts and bolts of how it really works. While we're talking sharing, I broke today and ate Sultana Toast, my first bread in months, believe me I'm paying for it right now, I'm feeling so queasy, have a headache etc.  Truth is though, we are longing for a little of that heavier feeling that carbs give.  We're needing to source some good carbs that won't make us feel ill.

Ducked into an opshop today and scored a few little goodies; books (of course), some world map puzzles!! and a pretty dress and skirt for my girls.  Princess' pleasure in her dress, which looks so sweet on her, makes me realise I really, really must sew pretty dresses and skirts for my girls.  After all I only have two little girls and they do love pretty swishy outfits.  Princess' choice of apparel is dresses and Jelly Bean's is skirts.

This year our Parish is offering the Stations of the Cross on a Friday at midday.  Our Priest calls it his package deal; Stations, Confession/Adoration and then Mass.  It has been years since I've had the opportunity to attend Stations led by a priest.  I'd forgotten what a beautiful tradition it is, a deeply reflective time to 'Walk the Way' with Our Lord.   I truly love the praying The Stations.

Michelangelo, Princess and Co have been spending hours building incredibly intricate cross-bows with K'nex.  It all began with Michelangelo's Science topic, Inventions and has morphed from there.  A few years back we were blessed to be able to purchase a huge box of K'nex via ebay.  A grown family sold their collection and were were the lucky recipients.

Searching Amazon reviews for a biography to read has been an exercise in futility.  My choice for a biography at this stage is something uplifting and inspiring. All the reviews I found are of children growing up in beyond horrendous situations in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, my heart is breaking as I read these reviews, my stomach churns, my lips move in prayer, but... I still have not found an uplifting biography to read.

Bass is finally crawling on his hand and knees.  He mostly crawls on his belly still, but the hands and knees motion has us all running to watch.  We really can't believe he will be one in a fortnight!  Soon I'll have three little boys running around together again, mmm been here before, well life is always interesting;)  During Stations today, after I broke up a fight between two little boys, I thought to myself, "I've been here before...  here we go again!!"

Visit Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes.


  1. Well I think PC is mean. I think those of us who want to read your soppy sentimental article should be allowed to if we want.

    I protest!

  2. Ps Being a medical receptionist is a great career starter.

    From someone who was one.

  3. I'm reading The Flower Hunter about Ellis Rown. Not uplifting and inspiring, but incredibly fascinating.

  4. Sounds like a good week. I'm off to check out the grain free, sugar free post because we've been thinking about that for a while now. Not sure if i'm game enough to take the plunge.

  5. As far as the grains go... what I have found is that there is a transition period to go through adding them back in, as well as when you take them out. I think the body just needs a chance to adjust to big changes. When I started adding in grains again, I did have some symptoms which disappeared after a week (ish). Because my thyroid levels were low, though, adding the extra starches made me feel better over all. Definitely the soaked, traditional grains are easier to digest, though.

  6. I would have appreciated a sappy and feel-ly post. I can't stand when my kids are away for the afternoon, and I don't even want to think about college!

  7. Ps. Wasn't meaning to be rude about your husband. Just cheeky. Hope I haven't offended you...or him.

  8. Angela
    Very interested to read about adding grains back in, really need to think about this and research about soaking grains.

    Gae's writing some very thorough posts, I've written a little here but Gae's posts are brilliant.

    MM & Jeanne
    How nice of you both to want a sappy post:)

    PC is NOT offended at all. He is totally comfortable having his opinion and someone having theirs;) Neither of us are offended at all we took it as very humorous.
    (He's happy to disagree with me, did you read the anon. commenter in my letter writing post? that was my PC we both had lots of fun in the comments box)
    AM was very blessed to receive that job, amazing story I must share it, great training and they have already left her in charge of the lesser clinic on her own! So they must be happy with her:) Maybe biased to say but I do know she would be very good at that sort of job. Off to Amazon to see who Ellis Rowan is.

  9. Jennifer at Conversion Diary has in the past recommended With God in Russia and He Leadeth Me, both by Walter J. Ciszek, SJ. He was a Soviet prisoner for 23 years, so there must be some grimness, but Jen has raved about the book (the 2nd one, I think) and its inspirational value. You might be able to search her site for a review.

  10. I haven't noticed any difference about soaking or not soaking grains to be honest. I do notice a difference about gluten (inlcluding oats, even gluten-free ones) or non gluten. I had added some grains to my diet, but now I have taken them out again. I feel much better without them!

  11. Barbara
    I do remember her enthusiasm, must check my library.

    thank you for your feedback, VERY helpful to know.


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