Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Lobster Award - An Award with a Difference

Last month Sue gifted me with smiles when she awarded me the Lobster Award.  Last year I was blessed to discover Sue and her blog and have enjoyed her busy commenting community and our friendship.  The Award was created by Victor an unique reader and busy commenter at Sue's blog.  The Lobster Award is an award with a difference, it is not an award for blogging but an award of acknowledgement and gratitude to our readers and in particular our commentators. 

This magnificent and rarely presented Award is only given to those tireless and hard-working Bloggers who, despite the many vicissitudes which life may throw in their way, despite the magnitude of the task ahead in their daily grind that is this vale of tears, despite every obstacle, every hardship, and every discouragements and temptations to just click and move on to another Blog; they still find time to visit your personal offering and to regularly leave a message there in the Comments Box.

In today's world of 'chatter' it is indeed too easy to read and 'move on' to the next 'offering'.  For those of my readers who take the time to leave a comment you have no idea how you brighten my day.  I am excited to receive your comments, I read each and every one and treasure them all.  My PC is sure to ring throughout the day to share, "you have a comment!"  Be assured I follow links back to your blog to meet you.  When commenters leave regular comments, we converse, we get to know one another, we become friends.  Thank you for bringing me smiles and enriching my life.  

Rules: Proudly copy the Lobster Award logo above on your Blogs and in turn feel inspired and encouraged to nominate others who visit and leave regular messages in your Comments Box. 
 The rules for nominations are simple: 
 1) Nominate someone who regularly visits your Blog and leaves a message in the Comments  Box. 
 2)  Tell them about their nomination. 

Whilst reading back over my comments page, I've narrowed my regular commentators list to the past six months only, I know there are regulars who have been quieter lately, your contributions haven't been forgotten and are still most appreciated.  And to my other commentators who didn't quite make my 'number cut-off'I thank you for your comments too:)

Without further ado:
five brothers one sister - Deanne has been my irl friend for 15 years, and 'partner in crime' for many interests; nutrition, breastfeeding, homeschooling, wheat free living and more, we've travelled many side roads together.
Every Bed of Roses - Chareen is a new friend, discovered through blogging.  Chareen and I are both long term home educators with 'graduated' children, we share a love of books and have a similar style of home educating.
A Peaceful Day - Jeanne and I share a passion for literature and in particular Australian literature.  We are kindred spirits, and our dream is to one day meet and talk.... well books of course.
Cherished Hearts at Home - Gae is a dear friend of 11years.  Although we'e never lived in the same town we have contrived to meet a couple of times and we talk on the phone regularly.  Gae encourages and challenges me:)
And the Kitchen Sink - Angela encourages me to look at education through 'big lenses'. I love how she thinks, she is so inspirational. Angela even makes gardening sound interesting! She is a delightful friend. 

Tanya - I am blessed to know Tanya in real life, she is an inspiration and one truly awesome woman!
Prince Charming- Ah my greatest fan! Always guaranteed to comment and give me feedback. Happy to help me edit, always keen for new posts, honestly tells me if my post is boring;) and challenges me to write my heart out to hear those wonderful words, "Interesting post, well done."


  1. Erin,

    I am so pleased you accepted your Lobster award! I am smiling again as I think of Victor's award and his very funny post. It is so lovely to be able to acknowledge the wonderful readers who take the time to stop and comment on our blogs by giving them one of Victor's lobsters!

    God bless.

  2. The Lobster Award! What fun! Thank you my dear kindred spirit. You know how much I love and respect you and your blog.

  3. Thanks for the kind words!!!!

  4. YAY a lobster award, lol

  5. :o) That is so neat and Victors post was really funny ! Thank you Erin ! Franctically busy around here at the moment :-/

  6. Congratulations on your Lobster Award. You'll find it is best savoured with a nice wine (although I'll admit I prefer Fosters lager straight from the fridge. I call it Chateaux Foster and my snobbish friends know no better).

    By the way, how do you make your PC ring when you have a comment? I'll have to try that. It would be nice if my PC played the bagpipes whenever I had a comment on my Blog.

    God bless.

  7. Sorry ... I forgot to thank you for linking this post to my Blog. Too much Foster's Lager I think.

    So, thanx. Your kindness is much appreciated.

    God bless.

  8. Thank you, Erin! A lovely Easter present :-)

  9. Thank you my dear commentators, you all deserve your award:)
    aww Jeanne, blush{{}}
    Victor, how neat to find you over here.


I love receiving comments from you, makes my day! If you are signed in as Anonymous, please consider leaving your name or initial so I know it is you:)