Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Liebster Award

Imagine my pleasure and delight to discover Crissy had awarded me the Liebster Blog award.  I was most humbled and honoured to read her comment:
I want to go and live with Erin and her gorgeous family of 9 children. They live an incredible life of Home Schooling, following their faith, and rural life and so much more. A must follow blog.

How nice was that!?  I discovered Crissy's blog through Digital Parents (Aussie mummy bloggers;)  when Crissy shared the most poignant story I have ever read.  A post that bought me to tears, one that lingered for weeks in my mind, and when the 'grand visit' was occurring I was praying lots in the weeks prior and during.  Crissy is one awesomely strong woman, who has had some very raw deals in life, yet every day she soldiers on, loving her seven darlings with all she has.

The Liebster Blog was created to direct traffic to hidden gems.  Blogs with less than 200 followers.  The hardest part of receiving awards is selecting just who out of the many deserving to pass the award onto.  Recently and not so recently I've found some lovely blogs who 'speak my language' in various ways.

Defying Gravity - Ingi is a fellow Aussie hser. I love reading about their families' learning journey, always interesting and Ingi's enthusiasm is inspirational.  Bonus, catch Ingi's guest post today at Learning Alongside.

Academy of the Good Shepherd - Becky and I 'met' a while back now via 4Real Learning, and she is a blessing indeed.  One of the lovely surprises of the internet is the opportunity to 'meet' kindred spirits, I so 'get' Becky's thoughts 'cause they often mirror my own, I love how she expresses herself, my only complaint is she simply doesn't write often enough:)

Thinking Love, No Twaddle - This blog is a recent find, but I was instantly hooked; Charlotte Mason, Catholicism, Books and Deep Thoughts, what more is there to life?:)


  1. Congratulations, Erin! I think your family sounds gorgeous too.

  2. I want to live with Erin too. Can I bring my family?

  3. Thank you Erin. I'm glad you found me and I have now found you!
    Thinking Love No Twaddle

  4. Aww how sweet of you

    Definitely bring your family:)

    Glad to have found you Shell.


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