Saturday, 23 June 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 122)

I've been rather spasmodic with writing 7 Quick Takes, haven't had a lot to say, however both PC and Anna Maria have been lamenting that I haven't written, so getting back into the groove for my two loyal fans.

Anna Maria will be home from Uni tomorrow!:):) We have been counting down days for a few weeks now.  We really, really can't wait to see our girl:)  It has been nearly three months since she was last home.

My brother Chris has been blessed with his second son.   We are yet to visit, but my, the baby looks gorgeous. We really can't wait to see our new little nephew/cousin:)

Talking babies, Bass is now walking everywhere.  He is extremely steady and very fast.  We are constantly vigilant about doors as he takes off if he spies a chance.

Jem makes me laugh in this outfit, he looks like he is ready to take up shearing in his blue singlet and jeans.

Watched Iron Man 2 with PC and Michelangelo last night, I confess 'Tony Stark' lost me right at the beginning with his massive ego, the movie really lacked plot.  To be honest I was so bored I fell asleep.

It's my own fault we watched Iron Man as PC had offered to watch a chick flick with me, but I chose Action. A few weeks back we watched the most beautiful chick flick, The Lost Valentine, so romantic, cried the whole way through.  So any good chick flicks to recommend?

On the recommendation of our librarian I've discovered the Maisie Dobbs novels.  Maisie is a physiologist and investigator, set just after World War 1, much of the background refers to The War and its after affects. Interestingly, although I had studied WW1 in highschool I had assumed shell shock meant post traumatic stress, I hadn't connected it with brain injury.  Anyhow enjoying the character of Maisie Dobbs.

Visit Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes.


  1. Three loyal fans.

    My favourite films are The Hedgehog and The Japanese film Departures. Both are beautiful.

  2. 4 fans!
    I'd always assumed that shell shock was PTSD too. Interesting.

  3. And some avid readers just remain silent......

  4. I'm not a big chick-flick fan, but some that I have enjoyed are Suddenly 30, Just Like Heaven, and Return to Me.

    Can't wait to catch up with Anna Maria! It must be wonderful to have her home.


  5. Thanks for the fan loyalty:)

    Noting the movie recs, oh Return to Me is beautiful! We cry and cry.
    Loving having AM home:)


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