Friday, 3 August 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 124)

Motherhood is possibly one of the biggest challenges in life that many of us will undertake, yet, it is also one of the most rewarding.  The fulfilment that one can find within the struggles is something I've longed to put into words, this post expresses it well,
"But for many of us, the majority of our life is composed of a series of small sacrifices and sufferings, and we simply cannot change these. So let us accept them; embrace them, even. For surrendering to our daily duties will mold our souls into the saints God wishes us to be...."

Months ago when I shared an Anna Maria update, I only shared a brief update as PC declared my longer post 'soppy and sappy'.  A few readers begged for the sappy version, I recently published the sappy post, but buried it in the archives.  Giving a heads up to those who declared they wanted the longer story, albeit it is months old.

Anna Maria has been blogging again, keen to share some amazing photography with her new camera.  (She has a very impressive camera!)  I'm rather thrilled to be sharing a new interest with my girl:)

Discovered a new health tip this week, Bass has had an ongoing cough each night/morning.  My dear friend Margaret recommended placing some drops of eucalyptus oil on the soles of his feet as he went to bed.  He woke up the next morning cough free!!!!  So simple, so effective:)

Coconut oil is on my 'to do' research list at present, any readers have information, links to share?

I'm in a mystery reading rut at present, one can only read so many murders you know.  I was thinking of tackling the biography genre next, anyone have any great suggestions? Or perhaps you have another genre you'd recommend for me to pursue, I'm willing to be persuaded.

On the weekend whilst one team was painting the exterior of the house, the younger children were the 'Fireweed Team'.  With garbage bags in arms they were busy patrolling and ridding the paddock of fireweed.  Yesterday I knew for certain that the 'no fireweed' mantra was embedded when I overheard a conversation.  Driving through the bush for the first time to a new friend's home, the children were excited to see a lush, fertilised paddock, favourable comments were made, "Look at the green paddock!!" but then the cry went up, "Oh no, look at all the fireweed!!"

Visit Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes


  1. Erin,

    I love sharing interests with my daughters too! I will have a look at Anna Maria's photos. Your photography posts seem to have sparked off an interest for quite a few bloggers. I've just been admiring Chari's mountains and Vicky's creek. Their photos are beautiful.
    God bless!

  2. Erin,

    Anna Maria's photos are stunning! You must live close to the beach. How lovely that would be!

  3. Sue
    AM is down in the Big Smoke, so her pics are taken down there. Having said that we are near the coast, a bit of a drive to the beach but not too far.

    I've been surprised (and honoured) to have sparked an interest with friends:) mind you Vicky's talent shines through.

  4. I use Banaban Coconut oil. Here's the company website , but you should be able to buy it from your local health food shop, or even supermarket I think, depending on where you live, and you can get it on ebay too. There's some interesting info under 'learn more' on the list on the left hand side of the web page. They sell some other interesting stuff too. I'm wanting to try their coconut crunch, looks like it would make a tasy topping.

  5. Erin,

    Of course! I'd forgotten Anna Maria's studying away from home. Thanks for reminding me.

    I just had a look at your homeschooling high school carnival page. Looks good!

  6. Wellness Mama has a couple of recent articles on coconut oil, worth a look.

  7. Don't know if it would interest you but I really enjoyed Andre Agassi's autobiography, Open.

  8. Sharyn and Sue

    I did, great!

    Will check out, thanks for the rec


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