Tuesday, 7 August 2012

All Covered Up

With two exterior walls successfully painted we moved onto painting the walls surrounding the deck.

With only two short walls and large glass doors, each coat only took an hour and a half.

Once again I had the help of team Michelangelo and Princess. The above blue area is waiting for the roof trusses which will cover the deck. Hopefully going up in the next couple of months.

Really loving the colour.

Children are getting quite handy with the brushes and roller.

Still some jobs to complete around the deck but the painting makes it look so much more 'finished'.

Now, to-do-list ... roof trusses, steps, sitting benches, decking oil, posts, hand rails.....


  1. It all looks so beautiful. What an accomplishment!!


  2. Its looking good Erin,
    Next time I see it IRL there will be more work achieved, I bet...

  3. Thanks for your encouragement and interest:) Thought I'd be boring you all by now.


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