Wednesday, 19 September 2012

12th Year of Faith, Fellowship and Fun

Every year, for the past 12 years we have been blessed to enjoy a week of camping with fellow Catholic home educating families.  A week of fun and fellowship, sharing our faith, beginning our days with Mass and ending with the Rosary and Benediction.

Each year we celebrate First Holy Communion and Confirmation.  This year our god-daughter was Confirmed and it was a privilege to be her sponsor and for both of us to be there with her.

Our young people are happy to gather together as a choir and support the Mass with their instrumental talents.  We are profoundly grateful for their willingness and abilities.

There is something rather special about young men singing for God's honour. Carpenter (far right) with his mates.

Our days were filled with plenty of playing time, be it at the camp site or on the beach. Sadly though this year the weather was rather windy so the beach wasn't as pleasant as hoped.

We enjoyed a few organised acitivities including co-operative team games, water play here

and 14 legged race.

Our nights were filled with fun, whether it be impromptu games organised by the young people themselves or

organised games led by parents and helpers, here we enjoy the 'Peter Panda dance'

at the conclusion of 'quiz night.'

Each day we enjoyed catechetic classes run by our wonderful helpers, listening to stories for the little ones

rosary bead making with a talented Dad for another group

whilst the teens have the privilege of listening to Fr Rizzo give a spiritual talk

One session visiting Fr N discussed the Sacred Vessels in the Mass kit with a rowdy bunch.

Sadly the week drew to a close, and we finalised with our traditional concert on the last night

including a duet practised 'over the miles'.
Another very successful camp:)


  1. Looks like you had a great time! Sorry I couldn't be there.

  2. Was a wonderful holiday,
    we all loved it,
    counting down the months and days till our return,
    Thankyou to both of you for all your hard work in organising and running the whole thing,xx


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