Thursday, 8 November 2012

2012 Homeschool Blog Awards

It's once again voting time at the Homeschool Blog Awards:)  The concept of blog awards can create a funny feeling for some and I respect their viewpoint, but I firmly believe that any blogger who 'picks up the keyboard', writes thoughtfully, respectfully, circumspectly  and well is already  a winner.  The blog awards are an opportunity to acknowledge some generous and talented women (and men and teens) and to discover some awesome new blogs.

I'm often fascinated by what blogs others are reading, I believe what you read reflects your interests and what writing style you appreciate, your reading list changes depending upon your 'season', for example when I'm at a low ebb I would never look at a crafty blog, or I could become overwhelmed, though that's my problem not the crafty bloggers- I say 'go girl' to her! When I'm feeling reflective I enjoy 'thinking' blogs and of course I always love book chat;)

When Chareen shared that the blog award nominations were open, for the first time I was able to nominate some of my favourite people!:):)  Nominate some of my favourite people was difficult, who would I choose and which category reflected them best (most fit into more than one)

Now that the awards are open I see that many of my favourite people made it through!!  You are all legends, now I have the difficulty though of choosing...exciting too is to discover new blogs:)

Some of the nominees I already know and love are:)
Best Homeschool Mom Blog
(great to see a couple of Aussie blogs there:)
Fisher Academy International
Forever, For Always, No Matter What
Harmony Art Mom
Jimmie's Collage
Tea Time with Annie Kate
(note the Homeschool High School Carnival roll up here:)

Best Blog Design
Many Little Blessings

Best Photos Blog
Amongst Lovely Things

Best Crafts, Plans and Projects Blog
Jimmie's Collage
Shower of Roses

Best Encourager
Harmony Art Mom
Jimmie's Collage

Best Current Events, Opinions or Politics Blog
Conversion Diary

Best Homemaking or Recipes Blog
Catholic Cuisine

Best Special Needs Blogger
The Quotidian Reader

Best Variety Blog
A Peaceful Day
Aussie Pumpkin Patch
(more Aussie blogs!)
Amongst Lovely Things
Here in the Bonny Glenn
Jimmie's Collage

Best Super Homeschooler
Aussie Pumpkin Patch
Everyday Snapshots

Harmony Art Mom
Jimmie's Collage

Best Nitty-Gritty Blog
Defying Gravity
(yah Aussies!)
Many Little Blessings

Best Homeschooling Methods
Afterthoughts (Charlotte Mason)
Fisher Academy (Charlotte Mason)

Jimmie's Collage (Charlotte Mason)
Shower of Roses (Catholic)
Sparkling Adventures (Unschooling)
Sue Elvis Writes (Unschooling)
(both Aussies!)

Best Homeschooling Nature/Field Trip Blog
Fisher Academy International
Handbook of Nature Study


  1. Hi Erin,

    Thanks for posting about the blog award nominees. I was surprised to see my blog there! I probably wouldn't have known about the nomination if I hadn't read your post. I agree there are some great blogs on the list. There's also a few I haven't visited. Time to try some new blogs!

    God bless.

  2. Sue
    So glad to surprise you then:)
    congrats!! have to let me know which ones you discover


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