Friday, 22 February 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 142)

Last week I shared some Jemism's, sharing now a funny from Jelly Bean (8).
Jelly Bean had begged to learn how to iron, after teaching her the technique for ironing a shirt; first the collar, then the yoke, the side etc, she declared herself capable of ironing a shirt without assistance.
"I know what to do, I iron the collar, then the yoga..." I burst out laughing, so she tried again, "the yoghurt"  She can now successfully iron,  I'm very impressed that she can iron her Daddy's business shirt.

Jelly Bean has been reading the 'Princess and the Frog' to me.  I just don't get it, why did the Prince/frog want to marry the Princess?  She was totally selfish, why did she attract the Prince?  Couldn't he see he was in for a lifetime of selfish behaviour? She wasn't going to change.  Why do nice guys end up with mean girls?

PC and I are attending his brother's wedding in April, dress code is Cocktail.  I'm actually looking forward to going shopping, thinking I'll wait till Anna Maria is home for Easter and my girls and I will have a girls day out.

We've just returned our second mixmaster to the shop within 8 months.  The first casualty was the blades jamming, this time black smoke began pouring out of the motor.  Although these were Sunbeam and Breville deals, obviously they don't make them like they used to.  After some research I've decided to buy a Kitchen Aid.   I've had a Kitchen Aid Food Processor for the past seven years and love it! Searching around Omega (where PC bought my food processor)  is over $100 cheaper than the retail stores at $623, or I could buy a refurbished one for $550, downside this only gives me a one year warranty versus a 5 year warranty.  Would you worry about the warranty difference?  Considering my recent history I'm not quick to dismiss warranties.  Other dilemma, what colour, so many choices.  Should I try and match my current appliance colours (mostly white), or should I go non-boring?

For the first time in two years I bought bread this week.  Our older children thought it very sad that Jem (4) didn't know what it was called, neither did he know what a sandwich was.  He kept asking, "What is it called again?"

So how did the bread go?  Well I've had headaches, felt nauseous, and very tired.  Pretty certain it wasn't a good idea.  I wonder if this makes me gluten sensitive or something?  Then again yesterday I tried corn chips and beans, felt totally bloated, so were the corn chips the culprit or the beans?  Sigh.

Princess (11) was grinning ear to ear this afternoon.  It is kerbside pick up in our town again, and all week we have been eyeing junk piles as we drive buy, searching for something, anything salvageable  cause that's what you do.  Today Princess spotted not just one, but three, comfy leather chairs!  One for the loungeroom and two computer chairs, all in excellent condition. She was beaming and big brother, Einstein happily obliged her, hopping out in the pouring rain, loading up her finds.  As he said, "How could I resist that smile and those pig tails."  I agree she was very cute. The computer chairs needed new wheels but Daddy is taking care of that.  

Visit Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes


  1. You might be gluten-sensitive, and the corn chips might have been fried in oil that contained gluten. In order to find corn chips that are truly gluten-free, you have to look for the "Gluten-free" or "GF" label. But if you've really been truly grain-free for a while (like, very little grains at all, including rice and potatoes), it might take a little while for your system to adjust to adding them back in. So it's probably a good idea to start kind of slowly with the gluten-free grains (especially rice) and then, in a week or so, try the gluten. If it still makes you feel bad, then you may indeed be gluten intolerant.

    I really like the site for baked goods. Her flour blend is really good and tastes just like wheat. Every single one of the recipes I've tried have worked out beautifully.

  2. Angela
    we never stopped eating potatoes. Thanks for the advice, we'll have to try it that way. I'll be sure to check out art of gluten free baking, high recommendation.


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