Saturday, 15 January 2011

Treasured Moments (17)

Do you find yourself falling into a pattern of daily grind, skipping the 'fun' activities because you don't have time or lack energy?
Do creative arts, nature walks, drama, read alouds or spontaneous acts seem only a distant dream in your life?

Yet these Treasured Moments shared with loved ones uplift us, nurture our soul, remind us of the beauty and joy in our lives.

We want Treasured Moments for ourselves, for our children, for our families but how can we make it happen?

... Commitment ... Encouragement ... Support ... Ideas ... Plans.

I invite you to join us every Saturday and share your plans and ideas, your targets and goals and your stories ... your 'Treasured Moments'. In this way we may inspire one another, encourage ourselves and start achieving our dreams.

Jack Jack's bedtime ritual.  We walk over to my room together (yes he falls asleep in my bed, I don't mind, it will all pass too quickly) he runs ahead and hides, I then make muttering noises about, 'I wonder where he is' and hop into bed.  I pretend to read whilst he sneaks out and 'scares' me.  Oh I should be up for an Academy Award nightly, he never tires of this ritual.

Taking the children to choose DVDs for their traditional annual DVD week.  It takes a good hour to all choose and then they watch and re-watch all week.

To join in you are welcome to add your post here using the Mr. Linky form (please link to the individual post) and include a link back here. If you haven't a blog we would still love to hear your voice, just leave your stories in the comments.


  1. Good Morning Erin! Happy to see this again :)
    I'd love to know what DVD's were picked - I'm planning to get a bunch of DVD's for the week or so after bubs is born and am looking for ideas.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  2. Awww.....such sweet time with your baby boy...and speaking of baby...what a CUTIE you are in the photos of the previous post above! You look soooo pretty!
    I love your dvd would like our movie store here...we get five for five for five...five movies for five nights for five dollars! Enjoy your special family times!

  3. Narelle

    I'll have to do you a blog post of recs. Your oldest is 8? and how did I miss you are having a baby, when?


    We would love your deal!


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